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Licenţă Individuală (Single User) Geographic Calculator 2023 activată pe un calculator pe durata de un An. |
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Despre Produs
Geographic Calculator este o aplicaţie geodetică puternică cu capabilităţi de vârf în topografie, studii seismice şi prospecţii energetice. Adiţional faţă de instrumente pentru transformări de puncte individuale, baze de date de puncte şi conversie fişiere, acest software de transformări de înaltă acurateţe include multe instrumente specializate cum ar fi instrumente Canadian DLS (Dominion Land Survey) Land Grid, instrumente de conversie prospecţii seismice (Seismic Survey Conversion), instrumente pentru Zona de Utilizare (Area of Use) pentru ghidarea utilizatorilor, HTDP, instrumente de creare Geoid şi multe altele. Geographic Calculator suportă o largă gamă de formate fişiere cu suport din partea celei mai mari baze de date de parametri geodetici disponibile în lume. Când transformările trebuie să fie corecte, consistente şi certificabile, profesioniştii GIS din întreaga lume aleg Geographic Calculator.
Acest software asigură o platformă unică pentru transformări de coordonate de înaltă precizie a virtual oricărui tip de date geo-spaţiale şi include trăsături cum ar fi:
•Suport pentru citirea şi scrierea de Sisteme şi Transformări de Coordonate din şi către fişiere Petrel™ CTL
•Acces la noul Registru Geodetic GeoCalc (GeoCalc Geodetic Registry), o librărie găzduită în cloud de parametri geodetici
•Suport pentru maşini Windows 10 şi un proces de instalare îmbunătăţit
•Librărie de parametri geodetici bazată pe XML
•Manager de Proiect pentru procesare de date, locuri de muncă şi organizarea proceselor de lucru (workflow management)
•Pagina de Start oferă o introducere prietenoasă cu utilizatorul a trăsăturilor şi funcţiilor cheie
•Instrumente Administrative pentru personalizarea surselor de date şi restricţionarea accesului la editare
•Suport fără egal pentru Geoid sau Vertical Datum, incluzând suport VDatum
•Suport puternic pentru formate de Explorări Seismice incluzând noul Seismic Survey QC Job
•Instrumente pentru Geo-Referenţiere Imagini Raster, Reproiectare şi Translatare Fişiere Vector
•Abilitatea de a personaliza şi trimite, integral sau în parte, a Surselor de Date GeoCalc către Global Mapper
•Extensii Esri şi suport puternic pentru CAD
Abonament Anual
Un abonament anual (denumit licenţă, care poate fi reînnoită anual) - această opţiune este un pic mai puţin scumpă, iar durata sa limitată o face perfectă pentru lucrul la proiecte.
Caracteristici Produs
Instrumente şi Trăsături din Geographic Calculator
Seismic Survey QC
Permite tehnicienilor seismici să verifice calitatea liniilor seismice preplot şi poststack între fişierele UKOOA şi SEG-Y. Acest component multifaţetat verifică simultan acurateţea liniilor; validează direcţia (heading); localizează înregistrări duplicate ale tragerii; numără numărul de puncte şi linii în fiecare fişier seismic; şi generează un raport cu acele puncte care sunt înafara specificaţiilor formulate.
Interactive Conversion
Select your source and destination coordinate systems, enter your coordinates, choose the datum transformation you would like to use, and then press the "Calculate" button. Yes, its that easy! The Interactive conversion tab allows you to convert, forward a position, and calculate the distance and azimuth between two points.
Interactive conversions with the click of a button
Globe icon Interactive conversions with the click of a button
Point Database - Conversion
The Point Database Conversion job allows for conversion and transformation of tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. Multiple conversions can be performed across several sets of columns. There is no limit to the length of database that can be processed via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.
Supported Input Types:
Manually entered numeric coordinates
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
dBase (.dbf)
Microsoft Access (.mdb)
ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
ODBC databases
Convert point databases, including your own text file formats
Globe icon Convert point databases, including your own text file formats
Point Database - Forward & Inverse
The Point Database Forward or Inverse job calculates paths between positions in tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system and both the left and right coordinate systems must share a common geodetic base. There is no limit to the length of database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job. This job can be used as a template for a batch process.
Forward: Calculates the endpoint of a traverse from an input coordinate and distance/azimuth away along the path of a geodesic, rhumb line, or grid line
Inverse: Calculates geodesic, rhumb line, or grid Distance and Azimuth between two input coordinates
Supported Input Types:
Manually entered numeric coordinates
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
dBase (.dbf)
Microsoft Access (.mdb)
ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
ODBC databases
Point Database - Scale & Translate
The Point Database Scale and Translate job allows for conversion and transformation of tabular numeric coordinates. Coordinates can be shifted, rotated, and stretched, by manually entering in the parameters of the desired transformation. These are commonly used for old survey data where control data may not be available for a higher accuracy transformation. Coordinate data must be uniformly organized into columns with all coordinates in a given column being relative to the same coordinate reference system. There is no limit to the length of database that can be run via the Point Database Conversion job.
Supported Input Types:
Manually entered numeric coordinates
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
dBase (.dbf)
Microsoft Access (.mdb)
ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
ODBC databases
Point Database - Best Fit
The Point Database - Best Fit job derives a polynomial transformation relating two coordinate systems together, based on geodetically-based control points. One coordinate system will be an arbitrarily defined local ground coordinate system, the second will be a geodetic control. Two sets of coordinates are required, one for each system. This is commonly used to transform mine grids, airport ground grids, or any other local survey or engineering plan coordinate system to a geodetic or projected system.
Supported Input Types:
Manually entered numeric coordinates
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
dBase (.dbf)
Microsoft Access (.mdb)
ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
ODBC databases
Point Database - Derive Datum Shift
The Derive Datum Shift job allows you to calculate a 3 or 7 parameter coordinate transformation between two geodetic coordinate systems. Two sets of coordinates are required, one for each system. The input coordinates can be Projected or Geodetic, the only requirement is that they are both geodetically based.
Supported Input Types:
Manually entered numeric coordinates
Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
dBase (.dbf)
Microsoft Access (.mdb)
ASCII Text files (.csv, .tsv, ...)
ODBC databases
Seismic Survey Conversion
The new Seismic Survey conversion allows users to access, maintain, and convert SEG, SPS and UKOOA formatted ASCII data faster and more efficiently. Quickly define custom reader rules to clean up improperly formatted data, convert multiple records types in the same file with a single pass, preserve and update metadata attached in all files and convert grid and geodetic record sets in a single pass.
Seismic Survey Conversion Interface
Globe icon Seismic Survey Conversion Interface
Vector Data Conversion
Convert individual vector and CAD files, batch process an entire folder from different formats and coordinate systems - AutoCAD DWG/DXF, Microstation DGN, Esri Shapefile, ArcInfo Generate, E00, Googles KML, GML Simple Features, MapInfo TAB/MIF, Velocity files and much more are fully supported for both read and write. The Vector Data Conversion job includes area cropping and layer splitting functionality. Manually specified transformations for Scale, Translation, and Rotation parameters are also supported.
Vector Data Conversion Job
Globe icon Vector Data Conversion Job
Land Survey Summary
The Land Survey Summary job allows users to generate printed layouts in Canadian survey systems. This allows users of Alberta and Saskatchewan lease data to plot layouts of points and lines directly from Dominion Land Survey coordinates in the context of the borders of the individual townships and ranges. Support has been added for Saskatchewan Grids systems, as well as enhanced layouts for non-square townships.
Raster Format Support
Supports (read and write) all of the major GIS raster and reference formats including standard GeoTIFF, Mapinfo Table (TAB) and ESRI World (TFW, WLD, JGW) referencing files, Windows Bitmap (BMP), LizardTechs MrSID, JPG2000, Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (ECW), and more.
Work with Raster Files
Globe icon Work with Raster Files
Georeferencing - Reference Point Selection
Georeferencing is accomplished by applying affine or first through fifth order polynomial models to the reference control point information. Interactively add, delete, and edit reference information to ensure an accurate fit.
Easily georeference images by interactively selecting reference points
Multiple view windows enable rapid reference point selection within source images
Creates industry standard GeoTIFF, Mapinfo Table (TAB) and ESRI World (TFW, WLD, JGW) referencing files
Transfer control points directly from your ArcView, MapInfo, AutoCAD, and MicroStation map files
A production proven automatic reference point selection feature accelerates the registration of maps with regular grid lines
Reference your Images with a Separate Image Viewer
Globe icon Reference your Images with a Separate Image Viewer
Raster Reprojection
Why would you want to reproject data with anything else? Geographic Calculator features the unmatched geodetic datasource of GeoCalc.XML. You can even define your own custom units, ellipsoids, datums and coordinate systems.
Over 3500 pre-defined coordinate systems
Over 165 ellipsoids
Over 630 datum transformations
Over 70 linear units and much more
Reproject Your Raster Data
Globe icon Reproject Your Raster Data
Special Features in Geographic Calculator
Start Page
The Geographic Calculators Start Page is an interactive page from which information about job types and updates can be accessed. When a job type is selected from the list on the left, information about the selected job will appear in the Job Guide, clicking the Create Job button will then start a the selected job. Jobs created from the Start Page will be added as new, active jobs behind the Start Page, and also be added to the list of jobs in the Project Manager. The Start Page also includes tips for using the various jobs along with a News Panel, which provides real-time information delivered directly form Blue Marble.
Start Page
Globe icon Start Page
GeoCalc Geodetic Registry
The GeoCalc Geodetic Registry is the online-based geodetic parameter repository for all Blue Marble Geographics geodetic software. The online registry is a cloud-based version of the complete GeoCalc library; a resource and tool for surveyors, geodesists, and GIS analyst concerned with accurate and reliable coordinate reference system definitions as well as the most accurate coordinate transformations. The GeoCalc Geodetic Registry is regularly updated and always current with the International Association of Oil and Gas Providers EPSG Geomatic Registry.
Project Manager
Use the Project Manager to organize your Calculator jobs in one easy place. Save your jobs and share with your colleagues! Breathe easy; the days of re-creating the same project again are over. Heres a list of jobs you can perform to accurately manipulate your geospatial data time and time again.
Project Manager
Globe icon Project Manager
Administrative Tools
The Administrative Tools can be used either in a Single User or Network User context. These tools allow an administrator to set rules that restrict or assist users of various skill levels and job responsibilities with making selections from, and edits to, the Geodetic Data Source (geodata.xml). The Administrative Settings would typically be set by a skilled user in a management role. The Administrative settings are all found under Options>Administrative Settings. Settings available to the Administrative user are:
Password Access - Workspaces can be locked down to use only the settings applied in the other areas of the Administrative Settings.
Datasource Filters - Filters can be applied to the geodetic datasource to hide certain entries in the datasource from users. This feature can be used to provide a streamlined experience for users, or to keep users from choosing systems or transformations deemed inappropriate by an administrative user. The Filtering options allow an administrative user to determine which Projections, Horizontal Transformations and Vertical Transformations are visible to users.
Custom "Areas of Use" - In addition to any Custom "Areas of Use" setup by users, there are also the standard "Area of Use" definitions contained within the datasource. Administrators can control whether both of these "Areas of Use" types are applied.
"Areas of Use" - Controls to determine whether "Areas of Use" should be applied during coordinate transformation and object selection.
Datasource Validation - The Geodetic Datasource file with in Calculator exists as an XML database file called geodata.xml. This file can be edited outside the dialog, but it is not recommended. To prevent this, the geodata.xml file contains a digital signature that uniquely identifies the contents of the entire XML file. If the geodetic datasource is edited outside of the dialog, the digital signature will not match. An administrator can choose to validate the datasource on startup and alert users if the signature does not match.
Locking the Workspace - The default workspace can be locked so that users cannot overwrite it.
Locking the Datasource - To set all the Administrative Settings in place
Locking Spatial Databases - By default, Spatial Databases are locked down so that the user may not overwrite existing tables. An administrator can change this setting if desired.
Locking Text Schemes - By default, the custom text schemes used in the Point Database job are unlocked. This means that all users can create and modify formatted text schemes. To modify this setting, the administrator will need to login and check the Lock text file schemes from editing option in the Administrative Settings dialog.
Null Datum Transformations - By default, the Geographic Calculator allows conversions with no datum transformation. When the user selects from the list of possible datum transformations, will be one of the options. If is selected, there will be no transformation applied, and the result may not be accurate. To prevent this, administrators can select "Do not allow null datum transformations" in the Administrative Settings.
Transformations that Affect Height - By default, Transformations with a vertical component will affect the outcome height or Z value. An administrator can change this setting if desired.
Disable "Via Intermediate" Category - By default if there is no direct transformation between two chosen coordinate systems Calculator will attempt to find transformations through an intermediate Coordinate system. An administrator can change this setting if desired.
Disable Manual Transformations - By Point Database Conversion jobs and Vector Data Conversion jobs allow the user to specify a manual transformation, instead of choosing a standard coordinate system conversion. An administrator can change this setting if desired.
Custom Polygons - Can now be added to the datasource for Area of Use Definitions.
Batch Transformation
Weve been told by many of our customers that Geographic Calculators processing speed and easy-to-use batch routines have saved many production hours, which is welcome news to any project manager. Try out the software for yourself and see how much time it will save you.
Batch Transformation
Globe icon Batch Transformation
Seismic Survey Conversion Tool
Access, maintain, and convert your SEG, SPS and UKOOA formatted ASCII files natively, who knew software could do that?
Seismic Survey Conversion
Globe icon Seismic Survey Conversion
Now load and convert SEG Y files natively (Society of Exploration Geophysicists open standard) and save these projects for your colleagues to use.
Layer Splitting
Convert only the layers you need to in your multi-layered vector file.
Layer Splitting
Globe icon Layer Splitting
One of the fastest Windows applications for LiDAR processing around.
LiDAR Elevation Shader
Globe icon LiDAR Elevation Shader
Display and reproject your DEMs into the right coordinate systems.
DEM file in Viewer
Globe icon DEM file in Viewer
Best Fit
Create a fitted coordinate system definition to align your locally referenced data to a known coordinate reference system.
Best Fit
Globe icon Best Fit
Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning
For certain transformations, we now support the 4th dimension (date selection) as you can select the epoch relevant to your coordinate transformation.
Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning
Globe icon Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning
Assign a relationship between your data and its location on the Earth by georeferencing points in your data to known control points on the ground, but beware to "Mind the Gap Between World and Map".
Globe icon Georeference
Data Corral
Forgot where you saved your data? The Data Corral tool keeps all of the recently used data in one place, you can even save it into your project for future reference.
Data Corral
Globe icon Data Corral